Chew family: Sentence Henning to death!

Exclusive (Albuquerque) Andrew Chew, brother of Girly Chew Hossencofft, has provided me with a copy of his family’s statement which is to be read in court during this week’s sentencing phase of the Linda Henning murder trial. The statement is written by Girly’s father, Mr. Chew Shing Kheng: First of all, we would like to

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Henning’s fate now with jury

(Albuquerque) 415 Roma Northwest is where Linda Henning has lived for three years now. 24-hours a day. Seven days a week. But she is quite likely to leave the Bernalillo County Detention Center within days. The question: Is Henning destined for the even stricter confines of a New Mexico prison or is she about to

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Friend details Henning’s alien claims

(Albuquerque) Eight days after Girly Chew Hossencofft disappeared, Linda Henning spoke with her good friend, Mary Alice Thomas, inside Henning’s home. Revealing a sword and an unforgettable tale, Henning explained that she’d recently been “appointed queen of the world” and that she must prepare to use the sword in upcoming battles with other queens. “This

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Ninja sword a focal point

(Albuquerque) From the bottom of the handle to its very tip it measures 38-inches; the Ninja sword that prosecutors believe is connected to the murder of Girly Chew Hossencofft. Jurors charged with deciding whether or not Linda Henning murdered Ms. Hossencofft got their first look at the sword Friday morning. Police discovered the sword in

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