Sunday, June 18, 2000
Investigation intensifies
- Massive search fast approaching
- Did a hitman kill Girly?
- Henning brainwashed?
Massive search fast approaching
(Magdalena) The Albuquerque Police Department has announced that a search for the remains of Girly Chew Hossencofft is “imminent” near Magdalena, New Mexico. The Horner Report has learned that the search will likely last more than one day and that it will include at least one helicopter and several horses and cadaver dogs.
Henning brainwashed?
(Albuquerque) Was Linda Henning brainwashed? “Definitely!” That’s what a source close to the Hossencofft case tells The Horner Report (THR).
THR has been aware of the potential aspect of this case for many months, but this particular source also happens to be closely linked to Henning.
Consequently, THR was surprised to hear this latest admission from this particular source.
You may think this is bogus now…but you’ll hear it in court later!
According to the source: Diazien Hossencofft convinced Henning that Girly was from another planet. That’s right, a space alien. As the alleged “brainwashing” continued, Henning became convinced that the “space alien”, Girly, planned to kill people on Earth.
The source says Henning believed Diazien’s claim that Girly must be killed so that Girly could not kill people here on Earth.
Later, THR will provide the name of the so-called “planet” and “race/order” of the “space alien”.
Did a hitman kill Girly?
(Albuquerque) The investigation into the disappearance and alleged murder of Girly Chew Hossencofft continues to focus on an Albuquerque man named Bill Miller. As exclusively reported in The Horner Report last fall and winter, investigators searched Miller’s home, trailer and newly obtained safe deposit box shortly after Girly disappeared.

According to court documents, a Bloomfield, New Mexico woman says murder suspect Diazien Hossencofft told her that he planned to hire a hitman to kill Girly. The woman states that Diazien told her that he planned to give the hitman $10,000 and a blue bag containing diamonds. Court documents also contain statements from a man who is an acquaintance of Bill Miller. The man says Miller confided in him, twice telling him that Diazien wanted to hire him (Miller) to kill Girly. The man says he spoke with Miller September 9, 1999 (hours prior to Girly’s disappearance) at the Page One bookstore in Northeast Albuquerque. Diazien Hossencofft and Linda Henning were also inside the bookstore at the same time. According to the man, Diazien and Henning stepped away when Miller told him (for the second time) about the proposition to kill Girly.
Court papers also state that Miller opened a safe deposit box September 9, 1999. Investigators searched it in early October. They found $10,000 in cash, several valuable coins and an empty blue Crown Royal bag.
There is another curious find in this case pertaining to Miller. When police searched Girly’s apartment, they not only found her blood AND blood with DNA that matches Henning’s blood, they also found some deer hair. Girly, it should be noted, is not a hunter. Police also found deer hair when they searched Miller’s trailer. Miller is believed to be fond of the outdoors. Literature found during searches of his property suggest that he is also a ‘survivalist’ and has an interest in militia activites.
*for the record: The Horner Report first reported Bill Miller’s involvement in this case last year. I spoke with Miller on the telephone on two or three ocassions last year and early this year. He has declined comment. I’ve been to his Albuquerque home several times. On two ocassions I was greeted by a woman believed to be his wife. On a third visit, I was met by a young woman believed to be his daughter. Each time I was told that Miller was not home. As of this update, June 20, 2000, no other media has reported Bill Miller’s name or made any mention of his involvement in this case.